Presence as a Gift

L’amore è un dono , ma amche essere presenti o sentire la presenza di altri è un dono molto potente

Women Sublime


The gift of PRESENCE is a very powerful one. We tend to take things for granted by brushing aside things it can do. We can make or break a relationship with our presence or even absence.

Presence is being involved in someone’s life.  It is something we choose to do.  Circumstances happen but still, given a choice, stay somewhere we need to be.  Loss,  pain and  illnesses are  occurrences where we need  people around us.  Someone to be there even  when no words are needed.

When we have no choice but to be absent,  with   technology today, we can extend our love and support through other things. A text, a call, a note or even a post on  our loved ones’  Facebook wall would make all the difference.  I have been there.  When I  made  major changes in my life and  not everyone was for it,  I felt  lost and alone.  Instead of people…

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